I feel bad for not posting anything here so here's a video of my new project. This is a conversion of a video that I excitedly sent to a friend after I managed to get the Unity UI slider working in VR. I'm very proud of it, mainly because the debugging was mostly me asking "will this random thing fix the fact that it's breaking in a really weird way?" while really only kind of thinking about the logic, and then it worked. Also VR is just mad cool and I'm glad to make something functional and reusable with it.
Should I have made my first (complete) gamedev project be a VR game? Absolutely not, but it's too late now because I've already committed to getting it done, and I'm hoping to get it finished soon™. I won't be able to upload it here for obvious reasons, but it'll be up on my itch.io page which I haven't used yet, and of course I'm making original music for it, which I'll upload here.
Anyway, hope you're all having a good evening or morning or midnight scroll or whatever it may be.