Remember when You reposted in the wrong neighborhood was the hot new meme on the block? Well, I made a mashup back in early 2017 around that time called "You Reposted In The Wrong Windows 95", and jesus christ it was terrible. I slapped some sound clips in a video editor and said "this is good", and added earrape at the end for good measure. It was offbeat mush that for some reason had more likes than dislikes among the few who watched it.
For this reason, I remastered it recently, trying to add a bit more of a spin to it. I don't think it's the best thing I've ever created, especially since I suffered from major tunnel vision on this one, but I felt like I needed to get something out there to replace the old video. Also, now I know that I really like the Windows 98 startup sound as a sample. Hope you guys enjoy it! (Also, I guess I've tentatively established a schedule of bi-weekly music? Not necessarily by conscious effort but it just is that way now)